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I Don't Care What The Equinox Says: Autumn is Here!

According to that thing called astronomy, the 2024 autumnal equinox arrives on Sunday, September 22, at 7:43 a.m. CT. This date marks the start of Fall in the Fallhern Hemisphere, where I live. While scientifically, that is correct, I say screw that! Autumn, or Fall, began on September 1.

Growing up, my family had all sorts of fun little traditions. One of our traditions that many people shared was considering the day after Labor Day as the start of Fall. That Tuesday was my first day of high school until my junior year. There was an association that summer was over with the beginning of school. It didn't matter that September in Texas could still have some sweltering days. We were in school, so Fall was here.

My mother is a seasonal decorator, and Autumn was no exception. Pumpkins appeared. Orange, yellow, red, and brown colored items dominated the house. Decorations in the shape of leaves, corn stalks, and scarecrows were scattered about. Sometimes, even though we lived in the suburbs, hay bales were delivered. It always amazed me how adding Fall elements can transform a place. Something about the brightness of the deep colors will take even the drabbest place and make it feel like a place of warmth. A simple arrangement like in the photo can transform the entrance to a house from "Here is where you enter" into "Welcome!"

When the calendar turned to October 1, Halloween items appeared. Pumpkins became Jack-O-Lanterns. Ghosts, spiders, mummies, bats, and all the glorious spookiness roamed freely through our home. The porch light changed from normal to orange or red bulbs. At my aunt and uncle's house, orange houselights lined the roofline, illuminating the darkness in the glowing radiance that shouted, "Muahaha!" October is my favorite month, and Halloween is my favorite holiday. It is such a great time of the year because, in Texas, it starts to feel Fall-ish. Crisp, cool air, bright blue skies, and excitement building. Jeans and hoodies/thermals. Football is in full swing. The Texas State Fair is rolling. Oh, my birthday is in October, too. Be sure to add that to your calendar.

As the calendar flipped to November, the turkeys replaced the spookies. Thanksgiving decor was everywhere as we prepared for the greatest Thursday in America. I can still recall the smell and sounds of preparing Thanksgiving feasts in the home. And when the big day arrived, it was often the other kind of fabulous Autumn weather: cold and gloomy. It paired perfectly with the incredible food, the gathering of beloved family, and topped off with the Dallas Cowboys in the afternoon and Texas A&M vs. Texas that night. It remained like this until the following day when the home transformed into a winter wonderland over a day or two. That, however, is a story for another time.

During this magical period growing up, there were always the scents of cinnamon, nutmeg, wood fires, burning leaves, soups, and strews, mixed with the growing chill of crisp, cool air. There is a reason why Autumn is the favorite time of year for so many of us. It's experiences like these that make it so grand.

As I grew up, I carried some of these things into adulthood. It wasn't until I got married and started a family that these things came out in the way they do today. My wife isn't a decorator, and her family didn't go out for Fall. Thankfully, she let me have it because she enjoys how the place looks and smells when I do. The kids also loved it as they grew up. I shared a magical part of my childhood with them, even though they always started school mid-August.

All the time, I would decorate on Labor Day weekend so that Tuesday was fall.

Unfortunately, consumerism inappropriately manipulates the seasons, creating aggravation for me. Six weeks ago, the grocery store near me started putting out pumpkin spice cookies, pumpkin spice Cheerios, pumpkin spice muffins, pumpkin spice, everything! At least the Starbucks inside the store didn't advertise pumpkin spice until last week, so hats off to them for waiting until late August. The local Costco, on the other hand, those idiots already have Christmas stuff out.

I like to hold onto my traditions, but I will make alterations if I feel it is appropriate. Kicking off Autumn on September 1 is an alteration I made because, living in Texas, we are so done with summer, even though September is still hot. Maybe it's a psychological coping mechanism to survive, but even if it is 105 outside, it's Fall, damn it! The problem I sometimes run into is that it may be several days before I am free to decorate (thanks, job!) However, I do one thing that signals Fall is here: I pull out the Fall coffee mugs.

These mugs are my favorite mugs! I use them from September 1 through Thanksgiving, except when I use my Halloween mugs in October. Being a black coffee drinker, it just looks terrific seeing that dark magic through the glass. The leaves are beautifully etched. I originally had two of these for nearly twenty years, one for my wife and one for me, when I dropped and broke the handle off one. I was crushed, but last summer, I found a seller on eBay that had eight of them for $5!

For what it's worth, I was drinking a black pumpkin spice coffee and listening to the rain while I updating this article.

In the coming days, all the Autumn gear will come out, and the Fall attire will be moved to the front of my closet. My attitude about things is best this time of year because I spend more time outside, hanging out under the patio lights with a fire pit going. Soups and stews are simmering, hot drinks are waffling steam, and the house windows are open, freshening up after several months of being shut and circulating air.

Thank God it's Fall. Oh, Fall, I missed you! Welcome back.

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